Basic Garbage Disposal Care, Please Do not overfill your Rosun Garbage Disposal.
garbage disposal

garbage disposal
1. Use cold water when grinding food (hot water can melt fats and clog the mechanism and the pipes).
2. Do not overfill.
3. Do not pour bleach, drain cleaners, or other chemicals into the unit.
4. Do not grind overly fibrous materials, bones, or coffee grounds (check the owner’s manual) or such materials as glass, metal, or rubber.
5. Run water before and after you use the disposal.
6. If something has been put in the disposal that should not have been, use tongs or pliers to pull the material out. Never use your hand.
7. To clean a garbage disposal of built-up sludge and debris, fill it with ice cubes and a cup of rock salt and then run it for about five seconds.
8. If your garbage disposal smells bad, you can deodorize it by running warm water down it while you grind a quartered lemon.
#rosun garbage disposal
#max garbage disposal